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UK Forklift Traction Battery

KOYAMA Forklift Traction battery UK Series-VBS158 is mainly used as DC for portage truck, forklift in mining,warehouses and docks, and can also be used as correlative power supply in other aspects.
VBS158 UK Series Forklift Traction Battery 
Model No
(Data Sheet)
Rated     Capacity     (Ah/5HR) Rated Voltage
Overall dimensions(mm) Reference weight(kg) Container material Terminal Quantity


2VBS100 100 2 45 158 385 420 5.8 7.5 PP 2
3VBS150 150 2 61 158 385 420 7.5 10 PP 2
4VBS200 200 2 77 158 385 420 9.5 13 PP 2
5VBS250 250 2 93 158 385 420 12 16 PP 2
6VBS300 300 2 109 158 385 420 15 20 PP 2or4
7VBS350 350 2 125 158 385 420 17 23 PP 2or4
8VBS400 400 2 141 158 385 420 20 27 PP 2or4
9VBS450 450 2 157 158 385 420 22.5 30 PP 2or4
10VBS500 500 2 173 158 385 420 24.5 33 PP 2or4
11VBS550 550 2 189 158 385 420 27 36 PP 4
12VBS600 600 2 205 158 385 420 29 39 PP 4
13VBS650 650 2 221 158 385 420 31 42 PP 4
14VBS700 700 2 237 158 385 420 33 45 PP 4
15VBS750 750 2 253 158 385 420 35.5 48 PP 4
2VBS110 110 2 45 158
465 6.7 8.5 PP 2
3VBS165 165 2 61 158 431 465 8.7 11.5 PP 2
4VBS220 220 2 77 158 431 465 11.3 15 PP 2
5VBS275 275 2 93 158 431 465 13.4 18 PP 2
6VBS330 330 2 109 158 431 465 15.5 21 PP 2or4
7VBS385 385 2 125 158 431 465 17.5 24 PP 2or4
8VBS440 440 2 141 158 431 465 19.5 27.5 PP 2or4
9VBS495 495 2 157 158 431 465 22 30.5 PP 2or4
10VBS550 550 2 173 158 431 465 25.5 34.5 PP 2or4
11VBS605 605 2 189 158 431 465 27.5 37.5 PP 4
12VBS660 660 2 205 158 431 465 30 41 PP 4
13VBS715 715 2 221 158 431 465 32 44 pp 4
14VBS770 770 2 237 158 431 465 34 47 pp 4
15VBS825 825 2 253 158 431 465 36.5 50.5 pp 4
2VBS120 120 2 45 158 445 480 6.9 9 pp 2
3VBS180 180 2 61 158 445 480 9.7 12.6 pp 2
4VBS240 240 2 77 158 445 480 12.4 16.2 pp 2
5VBS300 300 2 93 158 445 480 15.1 19.8 pp 2
6VBS360 360 2 109 158 445 480 17.8 23.4 pp 2or4
7VBS420 420 2 125 158 445 480 20.5 27 pp 2or4
8VBS480 480 2 141 158 445 480 23.2 30.6 pp 2or4
9VBS540 540 2 157 158 445 480 26 34.2 pp 2or4
10VBS600 600 2 173 158 445 480 28.7 37.8 pp 2or4
11VBS660 660 2 189 158 445 480 32 41.4 pp 4
12VBS720 720 2 205 158 445 480 34 44 pp 4
13VBS780 780 2 221 158 445 480 36 47 pp 4
14VBS840 840 2 237 158 445 480 38 51 pp 4
15VBS900 900 2 253 158 445 480 40 54 pp 4
2VBS140 140 2 45 158 495 525 7.6 10 pp 2
3VBS210 210 2 61 158 495 525 10 13.5 pp 2
4VBS280 280 2 77 158 495 525 13 18 pp 2
4VBS300H 300 2 89 158 495 525 16 21 pp 2
5VBS350 350 2 93 158 495 525 18 24 pp 2
6VBS420 420 2 109 158 495 525 21 28 pp 2or4
7VBS490 490 2 125 158 495 525 23 31 pp 2or4
8VBS560 560 2 141 158 495 525 25 34 pp 2or4
9VBS630 630 2 157 158 495 525 27.5 38 pp 2or4
10VBS700 700 2 173 158 495 525 30 41 pp 2or4
11VBS770 770 2 189 158 495 525 33 46 pp 4
12VBS840 840 2 205 158 495 525 36 50 pp 4
13VBS910 910 2 221 158 495 525 39.5 55 pp 4
14VBS980 980 2 237 158 495 525 42.5 59 pp 4
15VBS1050 1050 2 253 158 495 525 45 63 pp 4
2VBS160 160 2 45 158 525 560 8.5 11 pp 2
3VBS240 240 2 61 158 525 560 12.4 16.5 pp 2
4VBS320 320 2 77 158 525 560 16 23 pp 2
5VBS400 400 2 93 158 525 560 20 27 pp 2
6VBS480 480 2 109 158 525 560 24 35 pp 2or4
7VBS560 560 2 125 158 525 560 30 41 pp 2or4
8VBS640 640 2 141 158 525 560 34.5 48 pp 2or4
9VBS720 720 2 157 158 525 560 39 54 pp 2or4
10VBS800 800 2 173 158 525 560 44 61 pp 2or4
11VBS880 880 2 189 158 525 560 49 66 pp 4
12VBS960 960 2 205 158 525 560 52 72 pp 4
13VBS1040 1040 2 221 158 525 560 57 79 pp 4
14VBS1120 1120 2 237 158 525 560 62 86 pp 4
15VBS1200 1200 2 253 158 525 560 67.5 93 pp 4
2VBS180 180 2 45 158 600 635 10 14 pp 2
3VBS270 270 2 61 158 600 635 14 18 pp 2
4VBS360 360 2 77 158 600 635 18 23.5 pp 2
5VBS450 450 2 93 158 600 635 24 30 pp 2
6VBS540 540 2 109 158 600 635 28 36 pp 2or4
7VBS630 630 2 125 158 600 635 42 42 pp 2or4
8VBS720 720 2 141 158 600 635 36 48 pp 2or4
9VBS810 810 2 157 158 600 635 40 54 pp 2or4
10VBS900 900 2 173 158 600 635 44 61 pp 2or4
11VBS990 990 2 189 158 600 635 48 67 pp 4
12VBS1080 1080 2 205 158 600 635 52 73 pp 4
13VBS1170 1170 2 221 158 600 635 57 79 pp 4
14VBS1260 1260 2 237 158 600 635 62 86 pp 4
15VBS1350 1350 2 253 158 600 635 64 93 pp 4
2VBS200 200 2 45 158 690 720 10.5 13 pp 2
3VBS300 300 2 61 158 690 720 13 18 pp 2
4VBS400 400 2 77 158 690 720 16.5 21 pp 2
5VBS500 500 2 93 158 690 720 20 28 pp 2
6VBS600 600 2 109 158 690 720 23 33 pp 2or4
7VBS700 700 2 125 158 690 720 26 38 pp 2or4
8VBS800 800 2 141 158 690 720 30 42 pp 2or4
9VBS900 900 2 157 158 690 720 33 47 pp 2or4
10VBS1000 1000 2 173 158 690 720 37 52 pp 2or4
11VBS1100 1100 2 189 158 690 720 40 57 pp 4
12VBS1200 1200 2 205 158 690 720 44 62 pp 4
13VBS1300 1300 2 221 158 690 720 48 67 pp 4
14VBS1400 1400 2 237 158 690 720 52 72 pp 4
15VBS1300 1500 2 253 158 690 720 56 78 pp 4

• Robust, flooded tubular technology.

• Highest standards of design, materials and workmanship.

• Outstanding deep cycling capacity & reliability.

 • Manufactured to exacting ISO9001 standard &DIN/EN 60 254-2(IEC 254-1) specifications.

 • Spines of antimonial lead filled with lead oxide and less maintenance.


•Traction lead-acid battery is used as DC power source for electric vehicles which widely used in  airport,  railway station, seaport and mining etc.

•Traction lead-acid battery is used as a cleaning pollution-free DC power source

•Traction lead-acid battery is used used in public communication, sports, and entertainment etc.

cbb battery terminal 1 cbb battery terminal 2
1.DCG series-Deep Cycle Gel Battery Brochure




Add: RM504, 55 Hanxing Zhong Road,Zhongcun, Panyu, Guangzhou 511495,China

Tel: 0086-20-84888946
Fax: 0086-20-62824569

Mobile: 0086-18926204689


Wechat: m18926204689


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